Discover your path to create happy.

What does happiness mean to you?

The answer to this question matters. The way you define happiness greatly impacts everything about how, when, and potentially if, you experience it.

Let me be your guide as you discover your answer to that question. Through the Create Happy course, you’ll have an opportunity to explore what contributes to your happiness and how you might align your choices and actions day-to-day to create the life you truly want to live.

Creating happiness is a process of discovery and practice that builds upon itself in an upward cycle. As you transform your daily experience, you transform your life.

Creating happiness is a skillset.

You can learn to create happiness. Through this course you will develop a skillset to create happiness in your life. This power to create comes from within and is independent from external circumstances.

Learn how to expand the frame through which you see yourself and the world to become aware of the true fullness of your experience. Everything begins with building awareness.

Path to happiness is a process

Awareness sets us free, the power is in the choices you make from there.

Conscious choice and aligned action are needed as a consistent practice. This is not a one-time event. This is about discovering what truly moves you and aligning all your energy in that direction, every day.

Learn how to create practices that are right for you.

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“We expend a lot of effort to improve the external circumstances of our lives, but in the end it is always the mind that creates our experience of the world and translates it into wellbeing or suffering.”

— Mattieu Richard, Buddhist monk, humanitarian, and author