Experience happiness, everyday!

Develop a happiness skillset through this 6-week course.

  • Daily Videos.

    Each day, you'll have a 5-10 minute video to watch where we'll explore happiness from all angles. We'll discuss modern research and ancient wisdom, and hear some very fun stories that stretch the limits of possibility!

  • self-discovery exercises for happiness

    Self-Discovery Exercises.

    Each day, you'll have a 20-25 minute self-discovery exercise available for you. These exercises will help you apply the information from the videos to your own life and help you discover how to create your happiness.

  • Supplemental Material.

    Go deeper into exercises such as meditation with downloadable PDF handouts. If they don't fit for you now, save them for later. They are yours to keep forever!

Learn research-backed tools & techniques for creating happiness, in any circumstance.

Find a quiet space, get a journal, & invest 30-minutes a day in yourself.

You’ll be amazed at what can happen!

In 6 weeks, you will:

  • Understand your power to create happiness.

  • Learn several techniques to expand your awareness and see more choices in front of you.

  • Become skilled at making choices in alignment with what you truly want.

  • Create a detailed action plan to engage in regular practices to move yourself in a meaningful direction, everyday.

Watch videos from the course & recent webinars

Course content from Week 3. Throughout this week, we discuss the difference between the brain & conscious mind, how they communicate, and how that shapes the way we see & understand the world around us.

Course content from Week 5. This is deep into the course! We spend a lot of time this week talking big picture & meaningful direction, in preparation for the final week when we narrow in on an action plan!

Select clips from a recent corporate talk.

Course content from Week 3. This week is all about seeing our full reality. Learning to expand our frame to see more positives around us while still accepting & honoring the challenges.